How To Send An Untraceable Email – 100% Anonymous & Secure

Sending emails is something that everyone does on a daily basis. Did you ever thought How To Send An Untraceable Email, not for doing something wrong, but because it had some sensitive information?

There are many situations in which enterprises or individual need ways through which they can send email anonymously.

There are some ways for it and they are not illegal, there are proper ways that allow users to do so. There are many security-related issues with enterprises and that is why they have to use these services often. 

The main thing that is important is not revealing the personal identity and the second thing is to make the IP untraceable. So in this article I will tell to how to send an untraceable email.


To make the IP untraceable the users can use a VPN. A VPN can easily do a lot of things for a user and they can also keep their email anonymous. It is not hard to make an email ID that does not reveal any private information. But without VPN the service providers do get the location of the device.

Upon investigation, it is possible that the location and other details can make the person who receives the email identify you. There are many ways by which people can track the IP from which an email was sent. Make sure not to forget about a VPN in any way.

How To Send An Untraceable Email

 In this article, there are reasons why a person might need to send an untraceable email and how to send an untraceable email. VPNs are really important in this whole process and the most important thing is that people need to pick up the right VPN. This is also described in detail in the latter part of the article.

It is strictly not advised to use a free VPN. Free VPNs are not safe and they can also keep logs. The free VPN providers might spill the information and this will backfire the people who want to send a mail that they want to make untraceable.

There are a lot of people who might think about choosing a free VPN, but this can cost them more than buying a membership plan with one of the top VPN companies. It is important to stay safe when trying to do something that can have negative consequences.

Why Would A Person Want To Send An Untraceable Email

There might be many reasons why a person would want to send an untraceable email. It may be because they are from an enterprise that has some sensitive data and want to keep their identity and data safe. This is not an article to promote the people who want to spam others and stay safe This is for the people who have genuine reasons for sending untraceable emails. Below are some of the reasons why someone would want to send an anonymous email:

1. They Might Be A Whistleblower

An anonymous mail can be understood by the example of an anonymous phone call. It can prove of immense importance in combating crime, corruption, sexual harassment, abuse, fraud or any other activity that is against law.

Whistleblowers are people who fight for justice. But this work is of great life risk. The accused party can harm, blacklist them and bully them or even take improper actions against them.

In this scenario, anonymity saves their identity by providing protection. Sending anonymous emails can help them continue in achieving their goal in a safer manner.

How To Send An Untraceable Email

2. They Might Be A Journalist

Journalists often have the power and authority to expose the wrongdoings of society. In this process, there are chances that they may be monitored, targeted and threatened by powerful institutions, corporations, government or individuals.

The powerful people who do not want to get their secrets revealed often threaten the journalists. If the email is anonymous, it will give a chance to the journalists to communicate with their sources secretively and reduce the risks of reprisals.

3. They Might Want To Avoid Spam Or Being Tracked Down

There are companies and spammers who avail publicly available addresses from various websites, discussion boards as well as mailing lists. It is widely used for bulk email marketing campaigns. If an individual wants to avoid their mail from junk folders, an anonymous and disposable email address is the best choice.

Important Things To Do For Sending An Anonymous Email

No one knows all the ways that can help a person to send an untraceable email and that is why people have to come to the internet. The Internet is a place where people can find anything. This is probably the place where you can find everything in the best ways to send an email that no one can trace. Follow the tips mentioned below to send an anonymous email:

1. Using Anonymous Email Services

This is one of the most basic ways. There are plenty of anonymous email services available on the internet and they can be used for the purpose of sending an email that normal people cannot trackback. It is important to know that when a user uses this one the technical experts can still track them down with their IP address that they will not be able to hide.

This is still a great way to send emails to those people who are not really technical and might not get back to the source of the email. This is easy and takes very little time to set up.

2. Sending Emails Without Registration

When a person tries to send normal emails they have to register first. In the registration, they are asked about all their personal information like name, date of birth, gender and sometimes even the mobile number. These details can be used by the receiver to reach back without any problem. This is the reason why people need to find the software and websites that allow users to send an email without a need to register.

Yes, there are such software and email service providers and they can be used to send people emails that do not carry any personal information. This is one of the best ways to send anonymous mail to people who are not highly skilled to track the IP address and source of the email.

3. Using A VPN To Send An Email

Not this is one of the ways if used with all other ways mentioned in this section then it can make the mail very safe and untraceable. A person can use a VPN with email and hide their original IP and make the email safe. There are VPNs that give special features for emails and that way they can become untraceable and private too. These emails can not even be traced back to their local IP because the server IP is dynamic and that means it keeps changing.

It is really hard to track back an email that is sent through a VPN server.

4. Using A Burner Email

Burner emails are the emails that get destroyed either after opening or after some time. This feature makes them untraceable by themselves. The sender needs to send it smartly so that the receiver gets the information and can never know about the source of the email. There is no identity that is revealed by this type of emails. These email service providers take proper care that emails do not stay active for long and do not carry any information about the user of the source.

5. Using Encrypted Email Services

The last way that I will be describing here are the encrypted emails. Encryption means hiding all the information about the emails and just revealing them to the receiver. This way the email cannot be tracked while it is going through the servers. No one can read or modify the message in the between and that makes it really safe. This is one of the safest methods to keep the message safe on the server and also make it untraceable till a great extent.

Factors to Consider Before choosing A VPN 

When a person wants to buy a VPN for the purpose of sending untraceable emails they need to pay attention to the security measures that it providers. A good VPN with all the important security measures is enough and the users will not need any other method. 

There are some VPNs like ExpressVPN that provide great security measures like military-grade encryption and IP masking that keep the emails safe on the server and also change the IP address.

How To Send An Untraceable Email

 This way the message is safe on the way and it is properly anonymous because the receiver cannot track it back.VPNs are really a safe and the most authentic way to send emails that cannot be tracked back, They are perfectly legal and allow the users to do a lot more things.

 Not just the emails they protect the user’s overall device from getting tracked. The servers to which users can connect to replace the original IP with a new dynamic IP and that keeps on changing in some time. There are a lot of things that users can do with a VPN and sending an email that is not easy to track back is just one of them.

Some Tips For Extra Precision

Even if one is using a VPN, they cannot be 100% sure that their email is anonymous. There are some extra points that must be kept in mind to attain precision in anonymous mail sending procedure. Some of them have been listed below:

  • In the process of setting up new accounts, it is strongly recommended not to use the same password in any other account or in any other platform. One can use a random password generator if required. Password generators help in saving the credentials of users in the system for further use.
  • Users must keep the credentials of login and passwords safe at any cost. There is an option of a password manager to do this work.It is better not to save any credentials on the same account that stores other passwords of the personal account. This will increase safety exponentially.
  • Including any personal information that can lead to the identification of the user will be a foolish task.One must not give any kind of personal, professional or social information while creating the account or sending emails. Doing this can prove fatal to security and the account may be exposed easily.
  • This anonymous email account must not be used to log in into other services, especially social media platforms. Using this account in public platforms can easily reveal the identity without much effort.
  • Even if the user owns a VPN service, it is better to keep the network public while sending anonymous emails rather than home or work wi-fi.Using the public network will help in keeping the personal credentials, location and other information secretive and will not lead back to the user at any chance.
  • Before logging into the account and following the further procedure, it is important to check whether the VPN is working properly and not leaking the IP.

I would recommend Surfshark VPN if you want to purchase a VPN at affordable price. Click the button given below to subscribe to Surfshark.

This is because you have changed your server so no one can track your online activity and that is why you can enjoy seamless streaming that too in the highest quality. Throttling also decreases the quality of the video and that is such a bad thing for the people. All the problems related to throttling can be solved by a VPN which helps you connect to one of the high-speed servers.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is It Illegal To Use A VPN To Send An Email?

No, it is properly legal to use a VPN to do all the basic things on the internet. Using a VPN with email services does mean that the users want to keep their email anonymous, but that doesn’t mean they are doing something wrong.

There are many situations in which enterprises need to share some sensitive information without revealing the identity to the receiver.

In no way is it illegal. Using a VPN with anything is legal in most countries around the world and this is something that people need to know.

It is rather important to use a VPN while connecting to the internet for everything. There are a lot of threats from which VPNs can save a person.

People need to understand that their privacy and security are enhanced by a VPN and it is something that will not harm them in any way. The might have to pay some amount to get a good VPN but that is still less amount than the amount of sharing sensitive and private information.

2. Do VPN Servers Keep Activity Logs?

No paid VPN keep the activity logs of their users. This is one thing that is against the privacy policies of using a VPN. They are meant to protect the privacy and keeping logs is in a way invasion of privacy.

The companies that do them can face serious consequences. This is done by many free VPN companies though and that is the reason why is it advised that people never use them. They keep logs and then, sell them online to the highest bidder.

That way your information becomes a way of earning for some company. People think that free VPNs are really free but they never realize that they are paying a price that is much higher than what they pay to the top VPNs.

3. Is Sending Untraceable Email A Crime?

No, in no way sending an email that is untraceable a crime. If the email contains things that are meant to harm the receiver in some way or contain threats related to them, then it might be a crime. 

There are people who might send virus or loggers through these types of mails. So this is something not good.

The crime is sending the things that are in the email that is meant to steal the information of some person.

This is in a way just protection of privacy over the internet and that is not a crime in any sense until the user is not doing anything wrong.


Sending an anonymous email takes a lot of care and concentration. A person cannot just do this work casually. Even if there is a single mistake, identity can be revealed. The ways described above are tried and tested. They are not hard, but it is advised that people focus on activity when trying to set up their anonymous email accounts.

This can be used for a one-time purpose or even a longer time. VPNs are necessary as they mask the original IP and keep the device and location anonymous; other ways are also required. This is something that works correctly when all the things are done in unison.

A single way is not sufficient to make an email properly untraceable. There are highly technical people out there who can track down an email with even a single loophole in minutes, resulting in loss or threat. Both things are not wanted by the person who sends it.

A person needs proper knowledge of VPN and other networking methods to know how they can stay safe. It is essential to know the threats before you are ready to face them and win against them. This is the reason why the person who wants to do this needs to research these things properly.

I hope that I have faithfully answered the question How to send an untraceable Email. What do you think about the ways I have suggested to send an untraceable mail? Share your thoughts on the comments section ?

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